"Why violence?": Jamaat-i-Islami analyses
"To ascertain why they turned extremely violent needs honest analysis instead pinning the responsibility on religious elements, as a number of columnists and intellectuals have done," writes sect-general of Jamaat-i-Islami in today's The News as he gives us some answers from the 'other side'.
My name is Carri. I'm a screenwriter in Los Angeles, California doing re-search for a TV program on the sleeping habits of children all over the world, ages 6 to 12. I'd like to include children from Iraq. I'm wondering if you could help me. I'm specifically looking for information on where children sleep (In the same bedroom with other siblings? On the street? What do their rooms look like? What are their bedtime rituals, specifi-cally as they relate to the war in Iraq? Are children forced to move around a lot? Do they fall asleep to the sound of battle? I’d like to send Iraqi parents (or anyone who works with these children) a questionnaire that better explains what I’m doing. My story is meant to be sweet piece on children, for children, but one that also enlightens them to the lives of other children.
Please email me at ckaruhn@msn.com.
(sorry I posted the wrong note earlier)
My name is Carri. I'm a screenwriter in Los Angeles, California doing research for a TV program on the sleeping habits of children all over the world, ages 6 to 12. I'd like to include children from Pakistan. I'm wondering if you could help me. I'm specifically looking for information on where children sleep (In the same bedroom with other siblings? On the street? What do their rooms look like? What are their bedtime rituals? I’d like to send parents (or anyone who works with these children) a questionnaire that better explains what I’m doing. My story is meant to be sweet piece on children, for children, but one that also enlightens them to the lives of other children around the world.
Please email me at ckaruhn@msn.com.
Thank you
How about a couple of new posts. I've got a soft spot for Pakistan and all I hear all day is bad news. Inspire me.
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